be not mistaken, that i am here in the computer lab doing research on a friday night does not make me a total loser--but i'm getting close.
Recently, I recalled a couple of run-ins with celebrity types. This happens from time to time in the Los Angeles area. They're not everywhere mind you. But they are about. Sometimes they're doing some shopping. Other times they are exactly where you'd expect like that one time I sat across from Hillary Duff (who I believe was underage at the time) at Cinespace in Hollywood. She was in the smoking lounge (it'll stunt your growth baby!) sitting next to that guy from Good Charlotte .
(what a twattish name, almost as twatter as Coldplay--whose music I'm generally cool with despite the objectionable name. Come on! Coldplay? Sounds like something a writer for Charles in Charge would come up with. That's bad by the way. As an aside, wasn't Nicole Eggert just a great 80s fox? A friend of mine knew her. I actually had her phone number in my hand. But I was a high school kid with an amateur's game. I could probably get her now. Back then...No.)
But I digress...
Anyway, so there's Hillary Duff. I met that nutty gal Bai Ling. I intend nutty as a compliment. In fact I always intend it as a compliment.
Recently I bumped into Olivia Williams, the British actress from Rushmore and a couple othe
Before that I ran across, oh lord, who the hell was it now? I already said Olivia Williams right? I can't remember.
There was that one time I cut in front of Felicity and that guy she was dating on the show that wasn't Noel. Yeah I watched it! I watched Ally McBeal too whaddya gonna do?! Yeah my gal and I back in the 90s were at 3rd Street Promenade at that fancy shabby chic clothing store. Aw shit, what was it called? Anthropologie. And we sidled into line for the register only to discover that the real line was behind us. Low and behold there was Felicity and the blond dude. They were cool about it so kudos to them.
And that's all I have to say about that.